Sabtu, 26 Desember 2009


TANA TORAJA -- Puncak perayaan Lovely December yang dilaksanakan pada dua kabupaten bertetangga, yakni Kabupaten Tana Toraja dan Toraja Utara, berlangsung l

Selasa, 22 Desember 2009

Seribu Ketakjuban di Puncak Lawang

Semilir angin sejuk berhempus menerpa tubuh saat bergerak menuju Puncak Lawang. Di atas puncak yang berketinggian ± 1.210 m di atas permukaan laut, kita dapat menikmati keindahan kawasan Danau Maninjau dan Samudra Indonesia

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Semilir angin sejuk berhempus menerpa tubuh saat bergerak menuju Puncak Lawang. Di atas puncak yang berketinggian ± 1.210 m di atas permukaan laut, kita dapat menikmati keindahan kawasan Danau Maninjau dan Samudra Indonesia.

Sunset Indah Taman Nirwana

Objek wisata pantai selalu menjadi pilihan semua orang. Hembusan angin laut disertai hamparan alam dan lautan lepas, ditingkah debur ombak dan berujung di langit biru lazuardi, membentuk garis horizon di kejauhan, merupakan pesona alam yang menyimpan misteri kebesaran dan keagungan Tuhan

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Taman Nirwana, salah satunya, atau yang terkenal dengan sebutan pantai Caroline, merupakan salah satu obyek wisata alam Kota Padang, dengan daya tarik utama berupa wisata bahari. Taman Nirwana memiliki potensi wisata di sepanjang pantai Bungus yang memiliki panorama alam indah di sekitar. Terletak pada jalur wisata jalan raya Bungus-Pessel, sekitar 10 km dari pusat kota. Dapat dicapai dengan kendaraan umum atau pribadi, masuk ke dalam sekitar 500 m, tersembunyi dari kebisingan dan menghadap laut lepas Samudra Indonesia.

Saban hari, khususnya pada hari-hari besar, objek wisata itu selalu ramai diserbu pengunjung. Ketinggian dari muka laut sekitar 1 meter. Suhu pantai antara 24 - 30 derajat Celcius dan kelembaban udara rata-rata 85%. Dari silhuet mentari di ufuk timur, membayang pulau Pisang dan Teluk Bayur di arah Selatan.

Semua keindahan itu dapat dinikmati melalui sejumlah fasilitas pendukug. Diantaranya, pondok wisata berarsitektur Minang, kolam renang anak-anak, beberapa tempat duduk (shelter) untuk rileks memandang laut lepas, jogging track, tempat parkir yang luas dan aman, tempat bermain anak-anak dan camping ground kapasitas 300 orang.

Semilir angin terasa sejuk ketika memasuki gerbang Taman Nirwana. Pohon-pohon kelapa di sekeliling taman itu terlihat melambai-lambai. Terpaan angin pantai membuat suasana sekitar bertambah adem. Sementara itu, jogging melalui jalan setapak bisa dilakukan sambil menikmati berbagai jenis flora dan fauna yang hidup di hutan sekitar, seperti Musang (Paradoxorus Hermaproditus), Tupai (Callosiorus Notatus) dan Kera (Presbytis Cristata). (sumber : sanny ardhy - padang today)


Minggu, 13 Desember 2009

Pantai Amal - Tarakan

Pantai Amal (Amal Beach) TarakanPemerintah Kota Tarakan telah menetapkan wilayah kawasan Timur Pulau Tarakan sebagai daerah pengembangan Pariwisata. Termasuk diantaranya Pantai Amal yang akan menjadi tempat tujuan wisata adalan di Tarakan.
Selain sebagai kota perdagangan dan jasa, Tarakan kini dinilai perlu mengembangkan kawasan Pariwisata untuk menunjang perekonomian. Secara bertahap, Pemkot kini telah melaksanakan revetment Pantai Amal sepanjang 2,4 kilometer yang akan dijadikan andalan Pariwisata di Tarakan. Adanya pembangunan tersebut Pantai Amal diharapkan lebih representatif.
Setelah menyelesaikan revetment, Pemkot akan membangun falitas penujang lain salah satunya Water Park. Sehingga akan menjadi magnet wisatawan luar daerah datang ke Tarakan dan mampu meningkatkan pendatan asli daerah dari sektor Pariwisata. (Sofyan Ali Mustofa)
Sumber : Tarakan TV (28 November 2009 )

Surga Tropis di Pulau Derawan, Kalimantan Timur

Surga Tropis di Pulau Derawan, Kalimantan Timur.

Selamat datang di kepulauan tropis nan cantik di kawasan Kalimantan, Pulau Derawan. Sebuah pulau dengan permukaan air laut berwarna gradasi biru dan hijau yang memukau, hamparan pasir nan lembut, barisan pohon kelapa di pesisir pantai, dengan hutan kecil di tengah-tengah pulau yang merupakan habitat dari bermacam jenis tumbuhan dan hewan serta keindahan alam bawah laut yang mempesona. Tidak heran apabila pulau ini bisa menempati urutan ketiga teratas sebagai tempat tujuan menyelam bertaraf dunia dan menjadikan pulau ini sebagai pulau impian bagi para penyelam.
Cara Mencapai Daerah Ini
Sangatlah mudah untuk mencapai pulau cantik ini. Anda bisa langsung terbang selama kurang lebih 3 jam menuju Balikpapan dengan menggunakan pesawat dari Jakarta, Surabaya, Yogyakarta atau Denpasar. Dari Balikpapan, Anda masih harus terbang menuju Tanjung Redeb selam satu jam dengan menaiki pesawat KAL Star, Deraya atau DAS. Selain itu, Tanjung Redeb juga bisa dicapai melalui laut, dengan menaiki kapal dari Samarinda atau Tarakan ke Tanjung Redeb dilanjutkan dengan menyewa motorboat.

Tempat Menginap

Sejak tahun 1993, Pulau Derawan dikelola oleh PT.Bhuni Manimbora Interbuana dengan menyediakan fasilitas-fasilitas seperti cottage, Peralatan menyelam, Speedboat dan restoran. Selain itu, terdapat pula penginapan yang dikelola oleh warga sekitar, seperti Danakan, Derawan Lestari III, Derawan Lestari I & II. Penginapan HAMS dan Yogie Mas menyediakan kamar dengan harga sekitar Rp.45.000 sampai Rp.100.000/malam.

Tempat Bersantap

Di sekitar Pulau Derawan terdapat banyak pilihan restoran dan kafe yang dapat Anda pilih sebagai tempat untuk bersantap.

Di sekitar Pulau Derawan, sebanyak 28 titik menyelam telah teridentifikasi. Untuk menjelajahi semua titik ini setidaknya dibutuhkan sekitar 10 hari

dengan satu kali menyelam di masing-masing titik. Untuk pindah dari satu titik ke titik lainnya, Anda bisa menggunakan kapal.
Sementara itu, Anda bisa menjelajahi pulau dengan berjalan kaki.
Yang Dapat Anda LIhat Atau Lakukan
Di Pulau Derawan ini, banyak aktivitas yang dapat Anda lakukan, terutama aktivitas yang berkaitan dengan wisata bahari, seperti :
  • Menyelam; Anda dapat melihat berbagai jenis Ikan seperti Hiu, Dugong atau Ikan duyung, arracuda, penyu hijau dan sebagainya.
  • Berenang, Snorkeling, dan memancing
    Berjalan di sepanjang pantai
  • Mengamati penyu hijau

Buah Tangan
Sebagai oleh-oleh, Anda dapat membeli barang-barang kerajinan yang dibuat dari hasil laut.


  • Jika ingin menyelam, Anda bisa menyewa peralatan menyelam di Pulau ini
  • Atau jika menyelam merupakan pengalaman pertama untuk Anda, akan lebih mudah dengan bergabung ke dalam sebuah tur.

Jumat, 04 Desember 2009

Welcome to the first Dive Resort in South Sulawesi Indonesia

The resort was planned and built by us without international influence. We made a special effort to conserve the natural beauty of the surroundings and integrate the resort into the marvellous scenery of our one kilometre long white sandy beach. .

There are no roads in the resort; everything has been kept in harmony with nature. In fact, the resort can only be reached by boat. From the open sea as one arrives, the landscape and rain forest show off their natural beauty. Only when really close in to the shore, is it possible to identify bungalows between the trees – all built a respectable distant from each other.

Behind our resort, there lies a fossilized coral reef where primeval forest trees have grown to the height of 300m. The rocky landscape with many caves is very inviting for those with an appetite for adventure.

Bungalows Selayar Dive Resort South Sulawesi Indonesia

The guest bungalows have been built in traditional Indonesian style using local raw materials and perfected with western know-how. Each one stands in its own secluded grove of trees and has its own beach.
Protected by tinted glass, guests have a fantastic view of the beach, the sea and palm trees, even lying in bed. There is a ceiling fan in each bungalow – some even have air-conditioning – a minibar, soft comfortable mattresses and mosquito nets. The bungalows are furnished with solid wood and rattan furniture and on the terrace there are beach loungers. Large desks with 220 V shock-proof sockets offer considerable space even for the most euthusiastic photographer.
 The bathrooms are equipped according to European hotel standards, including hot water with decent water pressure. But in order not to disturb the tranquillity of the surroundings, the generators, that provide a 24 hour electricity supply, were built two kilometres from the resort.

Bungalows Selayar Dive Resort South Sulawesi Indonesia

Restaurant Selayar Dive Resort South Sulawesi Indonesia

No holiday would be perfect without excellent food and a place for relaxation. Our restaurant is the heart of the resort. Not only do guests meet here for breakfast, lunch and dinner on the big veranda but at night they can also enjoy cocktails at the small bar – served by the boss himself. Guests are invited to bring their own liquors if they wish!

Selayar Island South Sulawesi Indonesia – rediscover nature!

Selayar Regency is a regency of Indonesia in South Sulawesi province that covers the Selayar Islands. The Selayar Straits separate the regency from Sulawesi island. Selayar  (Indonesian: Kabupaten Selayar), an archipelago, part of South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia.
It lies in the Flores Sea, between Sulawesi and Flores. Kabupaten Selayar is the Selayar Regency, covering 903,35 km² with a population of about 100,000. There are 73 islands, the principal being Selayar Island. To the east lies Pulau (Island) Kalaotoa and Pulau Karompa Lompo in Sulawesi Tenggara, and the West Kepulauan Sabalana (Sabalana Islands). It is a very biodiverse diving site.
The population, mainly a mixed race of Makasars (see Makasar), Buginese, the natives of Luvu and Buton, is estimated at 57,000 on the main island and 24,000 on the dependent isles.
They use the Macassar language, are for the most part nominally Mahommedans and support themselves by agriculture, fishing, seafarming, trade, the preparation of salt and weaving.. Vanilla, tobacco, trepang, tortoise-shell, coconuts and coconut oil, and salt are exported. There are frequent emigrations to Sulawesi and other parts of the archipelago. For that reason, and also on account of its excellent horses and numerous water buffaloes, Selayar is often compared with Madura, being of the same importance to Celebes as is Madura to Java.

Selayar, a secluded island, far away from mass tourism, lies in the Celebes Sea to the south of the Indonesian Island Sulawesi. Myths have been kept alive on this small island which once lay on the Chinese trade route. The west side of the island is mainly inhabited by fishermen, who live in small villages that continue to follow their traditions largely unaffected by western influences. Besides traditional fishing, the growing of vanilla and tangerines generate the main sources of income on the island.

Selayar Island is a fascinating destination owing to its unique landscape, unusual rock formations - full of caves and waterfalls - and its beautiful unspoilt beaches. The almost uninhabited east side of the island, where our resort is situated, is still covered with original rain forest. It is possible to find numerous species of birds, small reptiles, marsupials, varans and even wildboars. Furthermore, when one is lucky, the world’s smallest monkey, the tarsius, that is in danger of extinction, can be seen in his habitat.

This eastern side of Selayar island is surrounded with a reef - and our resort is proud that it owns this longest house reef in Indoneisa. Thanks to our efforts this last idyllic destination, where few human traces are yet visible, has now been put under protection. With the help of the Indonesian Government, a marine park has been founded that makes diving in our resort a unique experience. We aim to preserve the island’s natural resources on land and in the surrounding sea for future generations.

Eat, Pray, Love Wraps Up: From Bali With Love

Eat, Pray, Love Wraps Up: From Bali With Love

by Trisha Sertori, The Jakarta Post, Ubud

Another chapter of Julia Roberts-Javier Bardem's blockbuster Eat, Pray, Love (EPL) ends this Saturday, with cameras taking their last shots in Bali of a film spanning three countries and three takes on life.

Indonesia To Host 2010 IRF Australasian Continental Rafting Champs

Indonesia To Host 2010 IRF Australasian Continental Rafting Champs

Running from April 22nd 2010 until April 28th 2010, Indonesia will host a thrill and spill sporting event: The IRF AustralAsian Continental Rafting Champs 2010 comes to Central Java and promises to prove its worth as perhaps the country’s foremost international sporting event.

Organized by the Indonesia Rafting Federation (FAJI) in partnership with Marine Corps, this R6 (male and female) championship will take place on two scenic rivers; Serayu River in Wonosobo - Banjarnegara regency and Progo River in Magelang regency of Central Java and will be attended by top line-up rafting teams from various participating countries in Asia and Australia who are ready for a truly exhilarating experience.

This adrenaline-pumping rush event will consist of four different races: Sprint, Down River Race, Slalom and Head to Head. As mentioned above, all of the races will be conducted in both rivers with their reputation for being wild and unpredictable, with legendary Class III and Class IV rapids.

Central Java is a perfect location for sporting holiday -- the breathtaking rivers, fresh air, and superb mountainous views should provide the ideal counterpoint to all of the outdoor action. If you’d like to know further information about the IRF AustralAsian Continental Rafting Championship 2010 then point your web browser at For details and participation please send an email to: pb_faji AT faji DOT org.

The championship promises to be a superb event; the thrill of victory, pursuit of excellence and bragging rights at its best in Indonesia.

Shop Till You Drop in Malioboro

Malioboro is perhaps the most famous street in Jogjakarta. Packed with shops selling curios and street vendors offering souvenirs with affordable prices, one is bound to find something of interest in this street.

Gift and Souvenirs

If you're  interested in traditional artworks, you can visit the production village and either watch the locals at work, or haggle for any items you like.

For instance, there's Kasongan, a village that focuses on ceramic and pottery, located 20 km from Jogjakarta. Also near Jogjakarta is Tembi, a handicraft village, about 35 km by land.

Bali also offers many places to go shopping for these handicrafts. Various art markets offer traditional Balinese souvenirs, be it carved statues, beachwears, or masterpieces from the painters that reside in Indonesia.

But if you're looking for modern pieces of clothing for low prices, you can always go to Bandung, capital of West Java and safehaven of factory outlets, where you can get a pair of branded jeans for five to fifteen American dollars.

Jogjakarta's Dining Guide

Jogjakarta is truly a unique city. Ruled by a king (sultan) whose lineage can be traced to centuries, this city offers plenty cultural and historical heritage. Here you can eat lesehan style without chairs. The rather sweet cuisine of Jogjakarta might surprise you first, but many people have been longing for good Javanese food after trying it once, so you might have the same experience.

This city offers many luscious delicacies. From bakpia cookies, wingko babat, to enting-enting kacang, visitors will be delighted to find there are so many delicious choices here in this town.
Getting There
To make it easier, and shorter, you can take a plane from major cities such as Jakarta or Bali. From Jakarta and Bandung you can also go to Jogjakarta by train and the journey will take approx. 8-12 hours, though. Some travel agents or rental cars also offer trips to Yogya from big cities with a reasonable fee. The journey will take longer than 12 hours from Jakarta or Bandung.

Where to Stay
Packed with local and international tourists, Yogya is ready with its innumerable inns and hotels. Choose the place to stay according to your budget and your liking.

Moving Around

Jogjakarta is a small city. To illustrate this, for some Jogjakartans, 2 kilometers is considered very far. In the city, you can give your legs some exercise, ride andong/delman (cart carried by a/two horse/s), use the bus and public transportation, ride a taxi, or, try how it feels like to ride becak/pedicab. If you want to visit interesting sites within the city, it is best to move around on foot. If, however, you want to marvel at the grandiose of Borobudur Temple, for instance, it is best if you rent a car.

Dining Guide
Gudeg is one of Jogjakarta's specialties. This dish is made of young jackfruit with traditional herbs, sometimes with eggs and chicken. Cow's inner skin, cooked until tender, usually accompanies gudeg with steamed rice. Most traditional restaurants in Jogjakarta sell this specialty.

Don't let the sweet taste of gudeg fool you, however, the chili sauce of Javanese food can be really, really spicy because it is made mainly from cabe rawit the spiciest chili in Indonesia.
Restaurants worth visiting in Jogjakarta:

Jalan Kyai Mojo 57

Jalan Gejayan 79D

Jalan Mondorakan 252, Kota Gede

Jalan Kaliurang Km 16 Pakem

Jalan Solo 55

Jalan Laksda Adisucipto 208

Souvenir Tips
Jogjakarta is synonymous with arts and crafts. There are plenty to choose from: from batik clothings, silverwares and silver jewelries, potteries, to wayang figurines made of cow's hide or wood. You can also bring along boxes of the famous bakpia for your family and close friends. Bakpia doesn't last long, though, so please ask the salespeople for expiration date.

Other Things to See or Do

  • Take a walk on Malioboro street, it's packed with people selling interesting souvenirs, with stores offering more exclusive products. Bering Harjo market on Malioboro street offers cheaper products. Don't forget to use your bargaining skill!
  • Visit Kota Gede, the center of silverwares and silver jewelries. You can even see silversmith at work here. The items sold here are usually more pricey because they're more exclusive. For regular yet still beautiful silver jewelries, visit Malioboro instead.
  • Visit Kasongan if you're into potteries.
  • Explore the city from Kraton (Palace) to Taman Sari, where old kings and their families spent their happy days, swimming and enjoying themselves.
  • Take a trip to Borobudur and Loro Jonggrang (Prambanan) Temples.

Travel Tips

  • Because there are so many things to see, if you don't have much time, it is best if you go to a travel agency. It will save you time.
  • On traditional markets and Malioboro, most of the items sold there are bargainable. When in doubt, ask if the wares are bargainable or not. Bargain at least half the price the seller offers first. If you're not certain, take a look around and ask for the similar item's prices, for comparison.
  • If you have a travel guide from a travel agency, ask her/him to bargain things for you. The same goes if you're lucky enough to have locals as your friends or relatives.
  • Never hire an unlicensed travel guide.
  • Bring lightweight clothings, also hats and shades, if necessary. Jogjakarta can be quite hot.
  • If you're being offered things that do not interest you, be firm and say no.

West Java Specialties

Sundanese Food
Many people visit Bandung, the capital of West Java province, to pamper their taste buds. You'll be amazed with what Bandung has to offer. From various food sold on street vendors to haute cuisine, every visitor will be able to find something to their liking here, in Bandung.

Sundanese (the people living in West Java are called Sundanese) has tempting refreshments. Sundanese food tends to be bland yet tasty unless you add sambal dadak (chili and other ingredients grinded together) to your food. If you're looking for more spicy taste, just add this sambal dadak with nasi timbel (steamed rice formed into a roll inside a banana leaf) and other specialties. This mouthwatering treat is too good to be missed! Usually sour vegetables soup (sayur asam) is accompanied by nasi timbel.
Sundanese people eat vegetables a lot. Sometimes they even eat raw vegetables (called lalap or lalapan) like cucumbers, tomatoes, coriander leaves, eggplants, cabbages, lettuces, and so on. Lalapan is usually accompanied by sambal dadak.
Probably one of the most well known dish, timbel, consists of nasi timbel, lalapan, sambal dadak, a piece of chicken (fried or roasted Sundanese style), fried beancurd, fried tempeh, a slice of jambal (salted fish). If you want to, you can add gepuk (slices of beef, mixed in traditional herbs, then fried), pepes (main ingredients such as fish, chicken, mushroom, etc. mixed with crushed and blended herbs, folded into a banana leaf, then steamed until they're ready to eat), sauteed greens, and others. Nasi timbel is a favorite among locals and visitors. Batagor baso tahu goreng (literally means, fried meatballs & beancurd) is one of the most well-sought specialty. Made from blended fish and beancurd, with a special peanut sauce, batagor?s popularity remains constant.
People with sweet tooth might fancy pisang molen (literally
Sundanese Food
means, molen banana), Indonesian traditional pastry filled with banana and cheese. For a variation, try brownies kukus (steamed brownies). Es cendol, made of blended/grinded rice, palm sugar, and coconut milk, is delightful on a hot day. While for a colder day, you might want to taste bandrek or bajigur.

Bandung also offers various milk products most notably, yoghurt. Basically there are two kinds of yoghurt in Bandung the thin one, and the thick one (French style).
Hot snacks ala Bandung are widely sold throughout the city. Among them are gehu-toge tahu- (beancurd with beansprouts and vegetables filling), pisang goreng (fried banana), cireng-aci goreng- (fried tapioca), and many more. You might be interested in trying other snacks such as, nangka goreng (fried jackfruit), peuyeum goreng (fermented cassava, fried), nanas goreng (fried pineapple), and so on. Ketan bakar (roasted sticky rice) and jagung bakar/rebus (roasted/boiled corns) are also recommended.

Nasi goreng (fried rice), although not originally from Bandung, is also a favorite. The ingredients vary, according to people's preference. Sometimes the rice is mixed with seafood (usually shrimps, pieces of cuttlefish, pieces of crab's flesh), chicken and vegetables, mutton and vegetables, salted fish, and so on.
Cakue, a dish made of flour dough then fried, also worths a try.
Bandung also has other kinds of restaurants, like Padangese (food from West Sumatra, very spicy in taste), Javanese (sweeter in taste), Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Western, Indian, and so on.
Sundanese Food

Fondly called Parahyangan meaning, Land of the Gods, this valley city has both metropolitan and homey atmosphere at the same time. Full of eateries, factory outlets, and malls, many people find going on a trip to Bandung both enjoyable and memorable.

Getting There
There are many ways to go to Bandung. You can go by plane, embark a train, or rent a car from Jakarta.

Where to Stay
Bandung has it all, cozy little inns to five-starred hotels.

Moving Around
Public transportation called angkot, covers most of Bandung. For greater comfort, it is best if you take a taxi. For greater comfort still, rent a car. A day's rent will save you time and trouble moving from one place to another and since Bandung is relatively small, you can cover most of Bandung's interesting places in a day.

Dining Guide
For a taste of nasi timbel and other Sundanese food, you can try the restaurants mentioned below. There are many others, though, so while you're in Bandung, you might be able to spot other restaurants selling tasty food.

Jalan Pasirkaliki 160, Bandung
Jalan Laswi 1, Bandung
Traditional food with elegant surrounding.

Jalan Surapati 49
Wide place, where you can eat while lesehan (sitting on the floor without chairs) or using a chair.

Jalan Raya Cikole Km 22
Jalan Raya Propinsi Ciwidey, Kabupaten Bandung
Jalan Surapati 53
One of the most famous Sundanese restaurants in Bandung.

Jalan Dr. Junjunan 107, Bandung
Modernized Sundanese cooking.

Jalan L.L.R.E. Martadinata (Riau) 156-158
Jalan Soekarno-Hatta 408
Good, plain Sundanese cooking.

Jalan Sumatera 9
Chic place. Tasty but the price is higher than other Sundanese restaurants.

Most foodcourts on the malls feature Sundanese cookings/restaurants. Most well-known is Ampera. You can grab nasi timbel here after browsing the malls.
If batagor seems to tempt you, then you might want to check out these restaurants:
Jalan Burangrang 41
You can buy the batagors here half-cooked, so you can fry them at home. Half-cooked batagors only last a few days if put inside a refridgerator.

Jalan Veteran (Bungsu) 25
Has been Bandung?s favorite for ages. You can also buy half-cooked batagors here.

Jalan Buah Batu 139
Jalan Cihampelas 198B
Famous for its batagor and mutton soup.

Pisang molen, brownies kukus are available at:
Sundanese Food

Jalan Buah Batu 165A
Jalan Kebon Jukut 3C
Jalan H. Akbar
Jalan Kopo Sayati 111A
Jalan Terusan Jakarta 77E
Jalan Ir. H. Djuanda (Dago)

Jalan Kemuning 20
Jalan Buah Batu 169A
Jalan Peta 169

Other bakeries also sell these delicacies. If you're busy, you can always go to supermarket. Most of them sell pisang molen and brownies kukus.
Es cendol are available at:
The most famous es cendol is called cendol Elizabeth, for it is being sold in front of Elizabeth's store (store selling bags and shoes) in Southern side of Bandung. However, it might be easier for you to order es cendol at traditional restaurants or buy it at the supermarket (prepacked, so you have to add the mixture of coconut's milk, palm sugar syrup, and the cendol on your own).

Bandrek, Bajigur are available at most Sundanese restaurants.
Sometimes they even sell bandrek and bajigur on sachets, so you can bring them as souvenirs for your loved ones.

Should you fancy yoghurt, you might try these places:
Jalan Cisangkuy 66
Thin type of yoghurt, the hangout place for young and old alike.

Jalan Aceh 30
Apart from yoghurt, you can try other milk products here, such as milk, kefir, and so on.

Jalan Sukawarna Baru 28
French-style yoghurt, thick type. You can order the yoghurt in small cups or in liters.

Interested in hot snacks?
The street vendors selling these snacks can be found throughout Bandung, most notably in Jalan Supratman and Jalan Cilaki. Ketan bakar and jagung bakar/rebus can be found on Jalan Ir. H. Djuanda (Dago) and in Lembang area.

Want a taste of fried rice?
You can get fried rice on street vendors, restaurants, or food courts in malls.

Cakue, you say? Try this place:
BEC Mall Jalan Purnawarman 13-15 2nd floor, C-05
Istana Plaza Mall Jalan Pasirkaliki 121-123, LG-B3
Try the various yummy sauce to add some taste to your cakue.

Feeling adventurous in sampling spicy Padangese food? Try these restaurants:
Jalan Buah Batu 150
Jalan Ir. H. Djuanda (Dago) 55
Jalan Surapati
Jalan L.L. R.E. Martadinata (Riau)
A tad more expensive than other restaurants with similar type, but decidedly tasty. Try ayam pop without the chili sauce, for those of you who favor blander (yet still delicious) food.

Jalan Dipati Ukur 80A
Relatively cheap and yummy.

If you feel like tasting Japanese, Chinese, or Korean food:
Jalan Ir. H. Djuanda (Dago) 48
Buffet style, Japanese food.

Hotel Holiday Inn
Jalan Ir. H. Djuanda 29
Just like sushi bars in Japan.

Hotel Horizon
Jalan Pelajar Pejuang 45
For sushi and various teppanyaki lovers.

Jalan Braga 64
Classy and unique.

Jalan Trunojoyo 32
Spacious place, oriental-style. Delicious food, too. It is also halal, so Muslim people can eat here without any doubts.

IP Mall, Jalan Pasirkaliki 121-123
Wide variety of Chinese food.

Flamboyant Centre, Jalan Sukajadi 232-234
For hainan rice and juan lo lovers.

Jalan Sukajadi 175
Cozy place with great service.

Jalan Karang Sari 21
Very Korean, very chic.

If steak and western food are your favorites, then you might be interested in trying these places:
Jalan L.L. R.E. Martadinata (Riau) 215
Yummy western food with Balinese atmosphere. Aside from western food, this place also serves tradional Indonesian food.

Jalan L.L. R.E. Martadinata (Riau) 67
While savoring your steak, you can also try their coffee. Ideal for hang out.

Jalan Prof. Dr. Eyckman 2
Delicious spaghetti and tasty pizza with thin crusts will make you longing for more.

Jalan Dr. Setiabudhi 174
Cool atmosphere, yummy food.

TAMANI CAFE Jalan Ir. H. Djuanda 7-9
Great western food. Also serves Indonesian and Japanese food. Big portion.

Bandung also has many good restaurants serving seafood. Among them are:
Jalan Cendana 4
Mouthwatering dishes. You can also buy their specialty?crabs, put inside a thermos flask. Ideals as gifts.

Jalan Sukajadi 225
On weekends, you will be able to watch live music. Big portion.

Those who fancy Thai food can try these restaurants:
Jalan Ir. H. Djuanda (Dago) 173
Great service. Mouthwatering dishes.

Jalan Braga 121 2nd Floor
Endless variations of Thai food.

Vietnamese food lovers might find this restaurant to their liking:
Jalan Sunda 56
If you visit this place on weekends, you'll be able to order from their special menu.

Souvenir Tips
Bandung mainly offers food and drink as souvenirs. Visit these stores to grab the famous keripik tempeh, keripik oncom, sale pisang, dodol, and other delicacies:

Both are located in Jalan Cihampelas.

Other Things to See or Do
Shop till you drop at the plentiful Factory Outlets and Malls, visit Cihampelas street to find jeans and clothes, go to Cibaduyut street to see leather products especially shoes and bags, visit other places of attraction in Bandung and surroundings.

Travel Tips
  • If you plan to go to Bandung often, buy a complete map in major book stores. It's a great investment. That way you might save some money. Instead of renting a car, for instance, you can maximize public transportation to bring you anywhere you want to go.
  • If you're not certain of local customs, language, menu, etc. don't hesitate to ask!
  • It is advisable to learn a few important phrases in Indonesian. Not all Indonesians can speak English well.

Feasting on Bali, the Isle of The Gods

Like the food of other regions in Indonesia, Balinese food is rice as the central dish served with small portions of spicy, pungent vegetables, fish or meat and served almost always with sambal or chili paste. Bali is a few of the regions in Indonesia whose majority of its people are non Muslims, thus babi guling or roasted suckling pig is a specialty, as is bebek betutu, smoked stuffed duck wrapped in bamboo leaves.
In Jimbaran area, for instance, you can sample seafood dishes while sitting on the beach. Visit this place in the evening, the cool atmosphere and caressing breeze will make your dining experience remarkable.
You might want to try these:
Jl.Kartika Plaza Kuta Center, Kuta - Bali

Jl.Raya Kuta no.87, Kuta - Bali
Jl. Merdeka no.18, Denpasar - Bali

Nusa Dua Beach Hotel&Spa, Nusa Dua - Bali

Jl.Elang No.3, Tuban, Kuta - Bali

Jl.Diponegoro No. 240 A, Sanglah, Denpasar - Bali

Panelokan Kintamani, Bangli

Jalan Imam Bonjol 386, Denpasar

Jalan Raya Seminyak, Kuta

Jalan Sanur Beach 37, Sanur

Jalan Pantai Mengiat, Nusa Dua

Jalan By Pass Ngurah Rai, Kuta

Alam Kul Kul
Jl.Pantai Kuta, Legian - Bali

Jl.Sunset Road (Dewi Sri) No.88, Seminyak, Kuta - Bali

For Moslem tourists, don't worry or afraid that you cannot get 'halal' food in Bali, because there are also many food stalls and food center that are safe to be consumed by Moslem believers. Start from green beans, ketupat tahu (rice boiled in a rhombus shaped packet plaited young coconut leaves mixed with tofu), bakso (meatball), satay, rujak (spicy mixed fruit), satay lilit (usually fish twisted on a stick), pepes (burned/steamed wrapped fish), ikan bakar (roasted fish), and many others. These kind of food are very suitable to be served with pelecing kangkung (a hot spicy leafy vegetable), and hot sambal. Various kinds of traditional snacks are also tempting to be tested such as bubuh injin, laklak, jaja uli and many others.
The safest tips to choose restaurant, certainly is asking the restaurant officers. Must be noticed for Moslem believers that most restaurant in the hotels serve international menu which are often unavoidable using pork.


Living in a country that has endless variety of food and drinks, Indonesians do eat out, but the majority does not go to restaurants. The local food scene relies heavily on street food. Indonesians savour the delicious meals offered by ubiquitous street vendors day and night for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Living in a country that has endless variety of food and drinks, Indonesians do eat out, but the majority do not go to restaurants. The local food scene relies heavily on street food. Indonesians savour the delicious meals offered by ubiquitous street vendors day and night for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Street food is a quick meal sold by a vendor with a push cart, basket, at a stall, or possibly at a store where customers can see the preparation of food clearly. It provides a close connection between the customer and the street food, unlike having a plate of food in a restaurant.

The types of food offered vary from a simple fried tofu to a much more complicated dish like gudeg (raw jackfruit cooked in a Javanese traditional way that originated from Yogyakarta). In big cities like Jakarta, Surabaya, Bandung, Semarang and Medan, the street vendors offer many a traditional food from various regions in the archipelago. But in smaller cities, they are usually of the local cuisine.

The most commonly found street food is bakso or meatballs that are usually served in a bowl, like soup, with noodles, bean curds (tofu), eggs, and/or fried meat.
Another popular soup-like street food is soto. It is mainly comprised of broth and vegetables. The meats most commonly used are beef and chicken, but there are also sotos with mutton and pork. It is usually accompanied by rice or compressed rice. Sotos are differentiated by the ingredients in them, such as soto ayam (chicken) and soto kambing (mutton).

There are many sotos in Indonesia, as different regions and ethnicities have their own ways of preparing the cuisine, such as soto Madura (from East Java), soto Betawi (from Jakarta), soto Padang (from West Sumatra), so to Bandung (from West Java), soto Banjar (from South Kalimantan), and coto Makassar (from South Sulawesi).

The other popular delicacy often sold by street vendors is satay. It is a dish consisting of chunks or slices of dice-sized meat (chicken, goat, lamb, beef, pork, or fish) on bamboo skewers, which are grilled over a wood or charcoal fire, then served with various spicy seasonings, mostly made of ground nuts. Satay may have originated in Java or Sumatra, but is very popular outside Indonesia too. Similar to soto bakso and soto, there are many types of satay from sate Madura to Padang, sate Iilit, sate susu, kulit, sate Ponorogo and many more.
Nasi goreng (steamed rice stir-fried with eggs, meatballs, chicken/beef/shrimp, assorted vegetables and often with sweet soy sauce seasoning) is also very popular along with nasi rawon (rice served with dark beef soup) originally from East Java. The dark colour comes from the meaty seeds of kluwak nuts. Usually served with uncooked mung bean sprouts and salty duck eggs, pecel (a mixture of vegetables and traditional crackers with spicy peanut paste). Madiun and Blitar in East Java are popular for their pecel and gado-gado (a mixture of vegetables, crackers and rice with peanut flavoured sauce). The taste is sweet in Eastern Java and salty in Western Java.

Dining Experience in Metropolitan City

Jakarta to Indonesia is like New York to United States of America'a city that never sleeps. Many Indonesians go all the way from their remote hometowns to work in Jakarta, supplying the capital of Indonesia with unique contrasts of culture and palates. Jakarta has so many to offer if you know where to look.

Getting There
Since Jakarta is the capital of Indonesia, this megalopolis is only one, two (or several) trips away by plane, from many big cities in the world. From Sukarno-Hatta airport, formerly known as Cengkareng, you're free to see the sights of Jakarta.

Where to Stay
Tight budget. Look for inns that rent their rooms with nomical fees. For those who prefer luxuries, choose five-starred hotels or apartments (for rent).

Moving Around
The most comfortable way is by renting a car. You can find taxi quite easily, though, and if you're feeling adventurous why not try riding public transportation such as buses and busways. Make sure you know your destination (and most importantly, which bus to take, so you won't be lost).

Dining Guide
From street vendors to chic and elegant restaurants, Jakarta has everything. If seafood is your choice, then Muara Karang is your ideal place. Located in southern Jakarta, this is the perfect site to buy fresh seafood products. Don't worry if you can't cook, some restaurants in Muara Karang will cook the raw materials you have chosen. Or, to save time, just visit the restaurant and choose your favourite cuisine from the menu.

Perhaps one of Jakarta's specialities is called kerak telor. It is made of eggs and other ingredients. Mostly sold by street vendors, this treat has gained popularity so now you can get your portion in some food courts and traditional restaurants. Gado-

gado, ketoprak offer delicious taste and they're quite filling, too. Usually they are eaten with steamed rice or lontong a dish made of rice stuffed into banana leaves shaped into a tube, then boiled until it's ready to eat. Gado-gado contains beancurd sauce and various boiled vegetables in it, such as potatoes, lettuces, cabbages, and so on. A sauce made of grounded peanuts and other herbs is then added. Ketoprak uses a similar sauce, but it mainly consists of beansprouts, fried beancurd, and boiled bihun angel hair-like noodle. Ketoprak & gado-gado are available in street vendors and most traditional restaurants.

Sate (meat on skewers) is tasty. Covered with peanut sauce and other ingredients, sate ayam (the main ingredient's chicken), sate sapi (beef) , sate kambing (mutton) are widely sought by many people. You can find sate in most traditional restaurants. You can also try sate sold by street vendors.
Want to combine shopping and dining experience. Try the malls. All shopping centers in Jakarta have their own food courts and restaurants. Food courts tend to be noisy and crowded, so if you prefer privacy, choose restaurants/cafes, instead.
Restaurants located in starred hotels are generally quite pricey but good in taste and service. Ideal for those who value quality.
Cafes like Starbucks and Tea Leaf are favorites for both locals and tourist to interact. Try various types of Indonesian coffee, to freshen up your day.
If you want to try Indonesian food, bear in mind that Padangese food tends to be spicy.

Sundanese tends to be bland yet tasty, ideal for most people. Javanese food tends to be sweet. Ask locals for more information.
Some restaurants that you might like to frequent:

Jalan Melawai IV no. 17, Blok M

Chase Plaza Tower, 25th Floor, Jalan Jendral Sudirman Kav. 21

Jalan Kemang Raya 14

Jalan Kemang Raya 90

Dharmawangsa Square, Jalan Dharmawangsa VI/IX

The Ascott Jakarta, Taman Ria Senayan, Jalan Gerbang Pemuda, Senayan

Jalan Fatmawati 15 Blok E 31

Jalan Cokroaminoto 78

Bakmi GM
Delivery Hotline:
+62 21 56 55 007

The Duck King
Daily Opening Hour 10.00-22.00
STC Senayan Lt. VII Mezzanine
Jl. Asia Afrika Pintu IX
Gelora Bung Karno Jakarta Pusat 10270
Tel. +62 21 579 32032/33
Fax. +62 21 579 32031

Le Meridien Hotel, Jalan Jendral Sudirman Kav. 18-20

Jalan Kemang Raya 24A

Jalan Kemang Raya 9 JK


Kawasan Hanggar Teras Pancoran, Jalan Gatot Subroto Kavling 72

Masakan Sunda
Pusat : Jl. Wolter Monginsidi No. 41 Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta, 12180
Tel. +62 21 727861138, Fax. : +62 21 72786137
Cabang : Jl. Pakubuwono VI No. 10 Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta 12120
Tel. +62 21 7395454, Fax. : +62 21 7259955
Email : warung_daun(AT) (AT dibaca @)

Rumah Makan Gudeg Bu Tjitro
Jalan Veteran I No. 23 Monas
Jakarta Pusat
Tel. +62 21 3456727

Waroeng Chamoe-Chamoe
Ikan Bakar Manado
Jl. Panglima Polim IX No. 53
Jakarta 12160
Tel. +62 21 720 8294; +62 21 726 7094
Fax. +62 21 727 91805
Gedung Millenia Lantai 2
Sudirman Central Business District
Jl. Jend. Sudirman
Jakarta Selatan 12190
Tel. +62 21 5152905; +62 21 515 2906

Jalan Wahid Hasyim 55A

Hotel Mulia, Jalan Asia Afrika

Balinese & Sea Food Restaurant
Kemang Jakarta
Reservation: +62 21 780 5572 & +62 21 781 4984

Bebek Bali

Komp. Taman Ria Senayan
Jl. Gerbang Pemuda
Jakarta 10270
Tel. +62 21 574 7667/69/70
Fax. +62 21 574 7229

Souvenir Tips
  • Visit Sarinah Building in Blok M or Pasar Seni (Art Market) in Ancol. This way, you can buy souvenirs from various parts of Indonesia. The prices might be a bit expensive, but it's much cheaper compared to buying them in their original place! (If you travel to Bali to buy a wooden carving, for instance, it will cost you more money than buying the same carving in Jakarta!)
  • Why not books? There are many books about Indonesia in English. You can buy them in local book stores such as Gramedia or QB.
  • Original pieces of paintings, sculptures, and so on. Get them on Pasar Seni Ancol. If you're lucky, you can even meet the artists.

Other Things to See or Do
  • Shop till you drop! There are many boutique and classy stores selling sophisticated and exclusive items in Jakarta. Malls like Mangga Dua, for instance, might even persuade you to buy new sets of underwears to party gowns!
  • Visit DUNIA FANTASI (Fantasy World) in Ancol. This place offers entertainment for kids and adults. Try the rollercoaster for a breathtaking experience. Ride ferris wheel to marvel at magnificent view of Jakarta.
  • Visit SEAWORLD, also in Ancol, where you can observe gigantic fish from Amazon, piranhas, and watch the numerous fish eat!
  • Go to Taman Mini (Indonesian Miniature Park) to see miniatures of many things including Indonesia's traditional houses.

Travel Tips
  • Should you decide to travel by taxi, make sure that the taxi use the argometer. If possible, opt for Blue Bird taxis. They're known for their reliability.
  • Bring lightweight clothes unless you plan to stay indoor most of the time. Jakarta is quite hot.
  • Learn a few necessary phrases in Indonesian. Not all Indonesians can speak English well.
  • Check your bill before you leave, to avoid any mistakes. Tipping is not common if you buy food from street vendors or most fastfood restaurants. It is polite to leave a tip in classy restaurants, though.?

Mentawai Island: the Ultimate Diversity of the Hidden Paradise

The Place and the People

Located in the middle of Indian Ocean, 150 km and takes 9 hours trip from Padang, West Sumatra-Mentawai glowing with all the nature spirits and make it an extraordinary escaping spot from a hectic life. Mentawai is the natural habitat for 16 endemic species, and some of them categorized as endangered species e.g. Simakobu monkey (simias concolor-eat leaf as primary food).
The present life of Mentawai people categorized as the legacy from Neolithic era and they have a strong believe in nature spirit, for their life strongly affected by nature. They believe that nature is the center of life. All the genuine attributes make Mentawai a perfect place to gain cultural experiences, here you will notice a very fascinating and indigenous culture, like traditional cloths, art, music and the way of life. The entire culture attributes strongly reflects their respect to nature.

Tattoo is one of the most important symbol for Mentawai people, its reflect maturity, manhood and status. The art of this body painting inherit from their ancestor. The tattoos ink naturally made from leaf.